17 March 2012

Day 3: Facebook-Less

Currently, I am going on a "Facebook Diet" (as my friend puts it). The reason being I am on facebook for a shocking amount of time each day. I think typical is 2-3 hours for a regular user. But for me, I am constantly checking on my ipod/laptop (thanks to the convenience of Wi-Fi) for new updates on my news feed. For a soon-to-be stalker, I decided to deactivate it!

Deactivating is not uncommon, as I usually do it during finals and midterms (more than 2, back to back). I felt like it was eating up a gigantic chunk of my time from schoolwork & leisure time!

First two days I was busy procrastinating on my midterm, which came out horrible... just hope its not as bad as I think. On the third day (TGIF!), I was committed to do some project work for my operations management class. From 1-5pm, I've been sitting in a cubicle in the library, typing away a blueprint of our report. Along with two team members, we were able to separate tasks to an even amount. After some hungry chit-chats, we all went home.

I decided I shouldn't stay in during a great sunny day like today!

Vancouver has missed your shine!!

On the same spot, sat down overlooking the sunset
Everything becomes so peaceful when you take a moment to admire the scenery.

And ending this with my super tired, but happy look =D