24 January 2012

A Sense of Belonging

Came across this inspirational video through a tweet by Vancouver Foundation.
Which sparked a lot of "light bulbs", if you may, on my mind.

Born and raised in a urban city, I developed a sense of independence since childhood.
Being the only child, there wasn't many whom I can depend on.
My parents have been my mentors since I was young, teaching me morals and ethics as I grew up.
I have slowly become the one to depend on, after moving to Canada.
I am blessed have someone depend on, there's always the feeling of belonging through interdependence.
This allows me to see, the real abilities I have within for accomplishments.

Really? You might say.

Yes. I really feel I belong after I have joined my school's business club.

I remember the first event I participated in, we were all a mess. There's the new group of students without manual/instructions/mentor to guide us through. But we worked as a team & able to help out most of the logistics with my connections within the campus. It feels great to solve problems, with my own hands. There's no.1 accomplishment.

On our next event shortly after, I feel blessed to have a group of people who did recognize my presence. More importantly, I was less concerned about the attendees and more about the people I work with. It takes a whole lot of effort and the whole team did a fabulous job at putting it together. I am really happy to be cherished & thought of.

Sentimental value means the whole world to me, more than money can bring.

It doesn't take a whole lot to walk up to a friend and give them a great big hug!
"Thanks for being my friend"